Join us for Sunday worship services at 10:30 am
Our historic sanctuary is open for worship! Join us at 10:30 am on Sundays. You can also attend worship services live, online, via Zoom! Learn more about online worship here. Other programs may also be available to you online using this platform. To request information, contact our office at [email protected].
Sunday School is available for children during the worship service and then we all come together for yummy refreshments and conversation following the service in our social hall. And: We continue to help neighbors in need. Visit our Food Pantry page, and our Midnight Run page, and our Habitat for Humanity -PresbyBuild page -- and MORE outreach programs! Join our email list using the form below! You'll receive up-to-date info on services, youth and adult education programs, outreach, mission, and special events. |
Let's stay connected!
Send us an email, give us a call, message us through this website, or click here to visit us on Facebook! Now more than ever, it's important to stay in touch.
Send us an email, give us a call, message us through this website, or click here to visit us on Facebook! Now more than ever, it's important to stay in touch.
For members making annual gifts & other donors, too Vertical Divider
TO ALL DONORS: Our mission & outreach programs help neighbors in need and have been critical to our community, including the Philipstown Food Pantry to fight hunger and the Midnight Run for people experiencing homelessness.
If you feel called to support our work, we are very grateful! To donate online, click the gold "Donate" button (at left, below the "Share What You Can" logo or line up the QR Code on your phone and scan.)Tell us where to direct your gift by filling in the box "Use this donation for." We are a 501c3 nonprofit, so donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Thank you for sharing. TO OUR CHURCH FAMILY: If you are able to maintain your annual giving during this challenging time, we humbly thank you. You can also click the "Donate Button" to make your gifts online, and no special instructions are needed. |
Disaster Response
We are the Church of the Open Door.
Knowing that all community is a gift of God, we affirm there can be no exclusiveness about the body of Christ. We welcome into our community and membership all people of God regardless of ethnic heritage, national origin, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic standing; and we encourage the full participation of all people in the life of our congregation.
Our congregation is a member of the Presbyterian Church USA. FPCP is also a member of More Light Presbyterians and Covenant Network of Presbyterians. Click the logos below for information.
And: We have a Green Team! Learn how we practice good stewardship to protect the Earth here.
Knowing that all community is a gift of God, we affirm there can be no exclusiveness about the body of Christ. We welcome into our community and membership all people of God regardless of ethnic heritage, national origin, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic standing; and we encourage the full participation of all people in the life of our congregation.
Our congregation is a member of the Presbyterian Church USA. FPCP is also a member of More Light Presbyterians and Covenant Network of Presbyterians. Click the logos below for information.
And: We have a Green Team! Learn how we practice good stewardship to protect the Earth here.

Meet us. Join us. All are welcome
at the Church of the Open Door!
We seek to live out the truth of God's love.
Worship is inclusive and inventive.
Joy is found in nurturing one another.
We seek to bring comfort to all people.
First Presbyterian Church of Philipstown (FPCP)
10 Academy Street Cold Spring, NY 10516 Telephone: (845) 265-3220 Email: [email protected] |